Attorneys of St. Petersburg Law Offices "Inmarine" provide legal assistance in the customs clearance of ships and cargo, as well as the resolution of disputes arising from these relations.
At 25th of June 2015 the senior partner of the Bureau, an attorney Zhdanova Victoria Dmitrievna get from Federal Customs Service the status of "Customs operations specialist", with the issuance of a qualification certificate №014934, № 2/0615000125. The presence of this certificate confirms the surrender of lawyer qualification examination on the knowledge of the customs legislation of the Russian Federation, the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as confirming the right to the provision of professional services in the field of customs clearance and cargo ships:
- The development, adjustment, evaluation and approval of international agreements;
- Help in choosing the customs procedures for import and export of goods;
- Legal and procedural aspects of the customs clearance of the ship, as the goods and/or means of international transportation;
- Advising on available customs privileges and preferences for the importation of goods and naval units in the Russian Federation; Advising on procedures for obtaining exemptions from payment of customs duties, including methods for confirmation of rights to such access.
- Payload obtain a preliminary decision on the classification of goods to their country of origin, challenging those decisions;
- Advice on methods of classifying vessel on HS codes for customs clearance purposes;
- The legal assessment of the legality of actions / omissions of customs officials, the appeal of these actions / omissions, challenge the decision on adjustment of customs value of goods for customs clearance purposes.
- Inclusion of intellectual property rights in the customs register of intellectual property of the Russian Federation, the Customs Union;
- Legal support of the applicants' inclusion in the registers of persons carrying out activities in the field of customs (authorized economic operators, customs carriers, owners of temporary storage);
- Get overpaid customs duties / taxes.
Press-office "Inmarine" 2015