Victoria Zhdanova named best-of-the-best according to Best Lawyers
In Russian version of the Best Lawyers 2020 Ranking were included lawyers and companies from various law areas that carry on business not only in major cities as Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in other Russian regions. In the current rating edition, “Inmarine” is presented by Victoria Zhdanova, the law office senior partner. Victoria is recognized as one of the best specialists in the category “Arbitrage and Mediation” in St. Petersburg.
Best Lawyers is one of the oldest and most respected international lawyer’s rankings, enjoying great prestige with the law firms clients. The rating is based on the nominee reputation and within the market studies framework, the lawyers work is assessed by their colleagues practicing in the same region and in the same law branch.
The presence of our law office in the ranking underlines that “Inmarine” enjoys the customers confidence and receive the recognition from the rest of the legal community.
St. Petersburg Law Offices "Inmarine" Pressing Service, 2019.